Patient Testimonials

“I Avoided Lower Back Surgery”

     I suffered with severe sciatica in my right leg and foot for three months.  I was taking anti-inflammatory medication, painkillers, muscle relaxants, and exercise therapy.  The pain was so bad I agreed to a series of injections into my spine.  Surgery was on the horizon.  Thanks to a friend I started seeing Dr. Don.
     His office is simple and friendly.  No fancy machines or tables with bells and whistles.  After his consultation and examination he told me what it would take to recover.  His method is very direct and straight to the problem.  He focuses on getting my body to work better to allow healing.
     7 years have passed and I have not had surgery.  I feel because of his care my disc injury healed faster.  Also I noticed I have not developed as many colds, and flues.   I am in better shape now even though I am older.  Thank you chiropractic and Dr Don.
     I have no reservations recommending Dr. Don.  He’ll tell it like it is and you will be better for it.

Rick Friend

“In Spite of the Arthritis I was Helped!”

I was referred to Dr. Don because I was having left hip pain for about three months. The Orthopedist took an x-ray of my hip and it showed arthritis. I was having physical therapy once a week.

Dr. Don examined me, explained how the back affects the hips and other parts of my body through the nerves. Dr. don’s positive approach was encouraging.

It’s been 30 days with Dr. Don and I have less discomfort. This allows me to walk normal without having to limp. I also noticed after years of sinus problems the adjustments seem to help clear them.

I am very satisfied with the care and not having to use medications or have surgery. I whole-heartedly recommend Dr. Don for better health. Thanks.

Phillip Acosta

“Almost Immediately After My First Adjustment the Pain in My Back and Swelling in My Neck was Relieved!”

I experienced swelling at the base of my neck, severe pain in the middle of my back on the left, with tingling into the arms and hands, and a very stiff hip joint. This had been going on for 5-6 years and was getting worse.

I had not been to other doctors for any of this as I felt they would only prescribe medication or recommend surgery and neither of those seemed like a solution. My first impression of Dr. Don was that he listened and kept things simple when he explained what it would take to get me well again.

Almost immediately after the first adjustment the pain in my back and swelling in my neck was relieved. It took a month before I could move and stretch in ways I haven’t been able to in a long time.

I would tell anyone looking for a chiropractor to see Dr. Don; he has hands of a healer who tells it like it is.

Natalie Kahn

“I Gained My Life Back!”

When I first started care with Dr. Don I had terrible right shoulder and arm pain. It was the kind of pain that would keep me from doing most everything. It had gotten so severe I was unable to get a full night sleep.

I had gone to a general medical doctor and an orthopedic specialist. They prescribed strong medications that I did not like taking. I suffered for one year like this until a friend recommended Dr. Don.

After the first visit I had my first good nights sleep in a long time. Gradually I have gained full use of my arm again. Most importantly I gained my life back. Thank you Dr. Don.

Mrs. Tomiye Ogawa

“A Year Old Problem Healed!”

I saw Dr. Don because of Lower back pain and numbness into my hands. I dealt with this problem for over a year. It would affect my work but like many people I kept working. It did not get to the point it restricted me or kept me home in bed but I didn’t want it to get that far.

Dr. Don took the time to listen to me and found the problem in my spine. Each adjustment I felt better. My re-examination showed I am 50% improved from when I started one month ago. The back pain is less and the numbness almost gone. I know I am in the right place and I will continue to get better.

I appreciate the personal and friendly attention from Dr. Don. I am thankful for being referred to him. I can’t imagine what shape I would be in without his care. If you are looking for a chiropractor I recommend Dr. Don without hesitation.

Mike Sumrall

“I’m Really Impressed!”

I just wanted to thank you for the fabulous results that you have given me in such a short period of treatment. I have had chronic neck and shoulder pain for close to ten years and have seen many doctors and chiropractors to little avail.

After just four or five treatments from you, my shoulder is moving for the first time in almost 10 years, as I imagine “normal” shoulders should move! I’m really impressed. I won’t say that I’m completely pain free yet, but I am encouraged.

Maury Sheck

“Back Pain, Leg Pain and Toes Tingling (Sciatica) Gone!”
I was experiencing back pain for about three weeks. It was affecting my sleep and my workouts. It started to travel into my right thigh and leg. I began to feel tingling into my toes. A friend referred me to Dr. Don.
After a consultation and examination of my spine he told me I was having a condition called sciatica. This was from the nerve being pinched in my lower back. My exam showed I failed 47% of my tests and 17% of my spine was not functioning properly.
One month later my re-exam was 60% improved. My posture is better and my spinal movements did not hurt my back. I have returned to exercising, and sleeping well.
Every now and then I get a ‘twinge’ and that is my warning to stay tuned up and have my spine checked. I am thankful to my friend and to Dr. Don helping me.
If you are looking for a chiropractor I recommend Dr. Don.

Maria Hernandez

“‘Good Stuff’Made Better!”
I was been having backaches off and on for about 5 years. Overnight it became very sharp and constant. It was aggravated with all movements and my legs were beginning to ache. I was able to sleep however during the day while working at Good Stuff I was miserable. My Aunt took me to see Dr. Don Schmolder.
Dr. Don listened to my problem and performed a thorough examination. I had failed 58% of my spinal tests and 21% of my spine was not functioning properly. He found my problem and he was confident he could help and he did. Within a few days after the first adjustment I was in less pain.
After one month I am moving much easier, my energy level increased and my attitude improved. My re-exam showed my spinal tests 60% improved, and spinal function 40% improved but I feel 80% better.

I am thankful to my Aunt for taking me to see him. I like the way he takes the time and explains what he is going to do before he does it. Thank you Dr. Don for making my chiropractic experience comfortable and being there for me.

Marcelino Villegas

“Thirteen years of Maintenance Care!”
I have been under Dr. Don care for about thirteen years. Prior I had frequent bouts of lower back pain. They would often present problems with my daily activities like sitting, standing, and walking. I would try things like ice, heat, aspirin and using a lumbar belt for support. With regular chiropractic care from Dr. Don I have noticed those bouts have become less and less.
I really like the personal attention and hands on approach to helping my body heal. Dr. Don explains everything in simple, understandable language. After each adjustment I always leave feeling better, physically and mentally. I am thankful for everything he has done for me.
I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Don. You have nothing to lose even if you have been to other chiropractors, he will tell you if he can or can’t help you.

Maggie Shannon

“Tee It Up For Chiropractic!”
For about 8 months I was having pain in my lower back that spread into my left leg. The pain worsened after playing golf. It was affecting my sleep. That is when I decided to see Dr. Don.
The office was very clean and peaceful. Dr. Don listened to me, did an examination and determined the problem. He took the time to explain my problem and what it was going to take to correct.
After one month of care my spinal examination score improved 30% and spinal function tests improved 50%. My leg pain and lower back pain is better and I am playing golf again. Now when I have an ache or pain I know it is time to have my spine checked before it gets worse.
Dr. Don is very patient. He likes to take care of people. I thank him.

Leda Sanabria