Chiropractic Philosophy…

Chiropractic is based on helping the body maintain wellness by keeping the nerve system free and clear from interference or blockages caused when the bones of the spine become out of alignment, AKA a spinal subluxation.  Looking at the whole person means taking care of the soul, body and spirit, and realizing that the condition of the whole person influences how the body functions, maintains and heals itself. Chiropractic philosophy incorporates the following: 1.Care is person-centered with a hands on approach. 2. The Nerve System is central to the health and function of the entire body. 3. Close monitoring initially is paramount to help build momentum in the body and important to overall success. 4. Understanding structure and function are closely related and the ideal approach to care is more than eliminating symptoms but supporting the body's structure and function. 5. Early intervention is key before patterns set in and are established.  An infant responds quicker than a child than an adult than an adult in the 'later' years. 6. Emphasis is on alignment of the spine to assist in the balance of structure and function until opportunity to recuperate is possible, and hopefully avoiding unnecessary medications or surgery. Even Hippocrates, 450 BC, the father of medicine said "look to the spine for the cause of disease."...
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