Whip your Whiplash with Chiropractic…

There are approximately 3 million whiplash injuries each year in the U.S..  They occur most often in rear-impact, low velocity vehicle collisions- under 10 mph!  According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the largest category of injury-causing, rear impact crashes occurred in the "no vehicle damage" category.  That's why you can;t asses the damage done to your body based on the damage done to your car.

After a whiplash you may feel "dazed", but you may not experience pain right away. Early stages of injury occurring at the cellular level may not produce noticeable symptoms.  Yet, getting your spine examined within those first two weeks is critical to optimal recovery – even if you have no pain. The sooner your spin is aligned and moving normally, the better you will heal.

Untreated, nearly half of those injured in a rear-end, low velocity collision will develop long-term pain. About 10-12% of whiplash injuries will result in partial or completely disabled. If you or someone you know has had an whiplash And still has headaches, neck stiffness and pain, or tingling and numbness into the arms and hands we can still help the odds.  One orthopedic study of whiplash patients who had not benefited from traditional medicine, Chiropractic adjustments were found to be 90% effective in relieving their chronic pain.

Whether a whiplash is new or old chiropractic may be able to benefit either case.  I look forward to seeing if I can be of help to you as I have been help to so many others before with whiplash.

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