60% of Sciatica Sufferers IMPROVED with Chiropractic.

An estimated 1 million Americans suffer from sciatica (pain that runs down the thigh into the leg and foot). An estimated 300,000 patients have surgery every year to relieve this problem.  The Journal of American Medical Association published a study that suggests patients who have surgery because of a lumbar disc bulge with sciatica is no more effective than non-surgical management and care. Also, Yet 60% of patients with sciatica who failed medical treatments were helped by Chiropractic care according to a study published by the Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics. At first, sciatica may cause you to experience occasional twinges of pain, low back stiffness, numbness, tingling and dull ache typically to one side.  However sciatica flare ups can turn into searing pain that travels from your lower back, through your hips and buttocks, and down the back of your thigh and leg. You may find that your symptoms worsen when you sit for long periods of time, sneeze, cough, bend or make other sudden movements. Don't ignore these symptoms. Sciatica pain can become not only excruciating, but for some, it can become disabling.  That's why it's important to begin care as soon as possible. Your Sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve (size of index finger) in the body originating in your lower back and extending down the back of each leg. Sciatica, in and of itself, is not a condition.  It's actually a set of symptoms.  Our goal is to determine why your sciatic nerve is inflamed and to correct the underlying cause of your inflammation.  There are several possible causes of sciatic nerve irritation, including: a misaligned vertebra, muscles spasms, or herniated discs. Several other conditions may cause sciatic nerve irritation, so a complete evaluation is needed to correctly asses your situation.  Most often, sciatica develops as a result of everyday wear and tear on the structures of your lower back, rather than a result of single injury. By improving the function of your spinal joints, Chiropractic adjustments can help decrease nerve irritation and prevent flare-ups. Discover how specific spinal adjustments can correct the source of your problem, without drugs or surgery. Help is a phone call away.   ...
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Whip your Whiplash with Chiropractic…

There are approximately 3 million whiplash injuries each year in the U.S..  They occur most often in rear-impact, low velocity vehicle collisions- under 10 mph!  According to a study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, the largest category of injury-causing, rear impact crashes occurred in the "no vehicle damage" category.  That's why you can;t asses the damage done to your body based on the damage done to your car. After a whiplash you may feel "dazed", but you may not experience pain right away. Early stages of injury occurring at the cellular level may not produce noticeable symptoms.  Yet, getting your spine examined within those first two weeks is critical to optimal recovery – even if you have no pain. The sooner your spin is aligned and moving normally, the better you will heal. Untreated, nearly half of those injured in a rear-end, low velocity collision will develop long-term pain. About 10-12% of whiplash injuries will result in partial or completely disabled. If you or someone you know has had an whiplash And still has headaches, neck stiffness and pain, or tingling and numbness into the arms and hands we can still help the odds.  One orthopedic study of whiplash patients who had not benefited from traditional medicine, Chiropractic adjustments were found to be 90% effective in relieving their chronic pain. Whether a whiplash is new or old chiropractic may be able to benefit either case.  I look forward to seeing if I can be of help to you as I have been help to so many others before with...
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Athletes Secret Weapon…

Since 77% of NFL trainers have referred players to a chiropractor, take advantage of this proven method of preventing and recovering from injury – no matter what you do in life. Professional sports figures, Olympians, and other elite athletes are increasingly turning to chiropractic care to help prevent injury, relieve pain and stay fit.  We can help you to do the same. Long time trainer for the San Francisco Giants and New York Yankees, Mark Letendre, says Chiropractic care helped to keep his teams healthy and recover from injuries more quickly, "If players are not properly aligned, they're not going to function properly. When their bodies do function properly, they're more productive.  Chiropractors really understand how the body moves and how to keep it in top shape." One eye-opening study showed a 30% improvement in athletic performance after 12 weeks of Chiropractic adjustments.  Athletes were tested on perception, power, reaction time agility and balance. Whether you work out at the gym…compete on the track, court, course or field…or stay busy in your home or office, when you are in shape and pain-free, you perform better.  If you have a sedentary lifestyle, consider yourself a "weekend warrior," or occasionally do strenuous activities such as gardening or cleaning out the garage – you can run the same risk of injury as an athlete who isn't conditioned before engaging in their sport. Chiropractic is a game changer. It is a fact the average American adult is likely affected by spinal tissue deconditioning and joint dysfunction.  To find out the actual age of your spine call for a spinal consultation and examination.  I look forward to serving you and keeping your spinal bones from interfering with your...
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